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Hard to Find Staff (Do you have a Job Vacancy?)

CadetMax is a highly successful youth employment programme which has been delivered by the Chamber network in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development for over 10 years.  Started and still running in South Auckland, the service has expanded to Tamaki, Bay of Plenty and the Waikato.  Over 2000 young people aged 18-24 years old have moved from benefit dependency to full time employment through the CadetMax service. 

We are immensely proud to support this fantastic programme and will over the coming weeks reach out to our employers to seek your support in the form of job opportunities.

How does CadetMax work:

  • Young people are interviewed and selected to attend CadetMax.
  • They attend a rigorous work readiness Induction programme to develop confidence, understand workplace norms and behaviours, career advice and a job search toolkit. 
  • Drivers licences and other short qualifications are arranged and funded Chamber screen and match these young people into full time (30 hours +) job opportunities 
  • Young person and employer receive mentoring support for the first six months in employment

What can you do:

If you have a job vacancy suitable for a career starter or would like to attend our Networking function on Friday 10th June 2022 at 1.00pm to meet the Cadets for 20 minutes at St Johns Anglican Church – Lounge Room (126 Arawata St), then please talk to: 

Hilary McCabe
CadetMax Manager 
027 246 0289  


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